Member management

With Squadspot, membership renewal time becomes a stress-free process. We've designed our system to make renewals quick and convenient for both club administrators and members.
Squadspot simplifies the task of managing your club's members, ensuring that everything from tracking renewals to updating member profiles is a breeze. Say goodbye to administrative headaches and enjoy smooth and efficient membership management.
Member management

Create Members from Applications

You can use our automated application form to embed directly on your website (or use one of our Free websites) to collect new member applications, print a review page and with a simple status change convert them to a full membership on any number of tiers you need.

Member management

Detailed Member Profile Information

Each member has their own uniqe profile with their contact details, firearm categories owned, mandatory match participation, score and even the number of working bees they've done.

Member management

Payment status

Track who's paid their membership fees by simply seeing who has paid and who has not. Filter by members not paid and send an email using Squadspots built in email system.